Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman tentang bagaimana cara membuat Forum dengan mudah. forum yang akan kita buat tampilannya nanti akan mirip dengan forum - forum yang ada di internet, dan yang paling kita kenal adalah Forum Kaskus. ok langsung saja kita mulai.
1. Silahkan download software XAMPP.
2. Instal File tersebut dan centang juga Instal Apache, Instal MySql dan Instal Filezilla yang semuanya adalah service dari XAMPP, lihat gambar di bawah ini.
3. Download file SMF Disini.
4. Ekstrak dan copy foldernya dan letakkan pada folder Htdocs yang ada dalam direktori XAMPP yang sebelumnya sudah di instal, rename folder SMF dengan nama ContohForum.
5. Buka Control XAMPP dan start semua service seperti gambar di bawah ini
6. Buka browser anda dan ketikan pada kolom alamat Localhost/ContohForum.
7. Akan muncul tampilan instal SMF. langsung saja clik Continue.
8. Tahap selanjutnya akan muncul data yang harus anda isi. isi sesuai data dibawah ini:
a. Database Type : MySql
b. Server Name : Localhost
c. Username : root
d. Password : biarkan kosong
e. Database name: smf
f. Table Prefix : smf_
Setelah semua diisi klik continue
9. Tampilan selanjutnya centang 3 pilihan paling atas, kemudian klik continue.
10. Tampilan selanjutnya klik aja continue.
11. Tampilan selanjutnya isi data sesuai dengan data anda, kecuali database password yang hanya perlu anda kosongkan.
12. Pada tahap terakhir centang pilihan untuk hapus Index default dan klik pada pembuatan index anda.
13. akhir kata "SELAMAT FORUM ANDA TELAH JADI" Eco Racing 12:53 AM New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
1. Silahkan download software XAMPP.
2. Instal File tersebut dan centang juga Instal Apache, Instal MySql dan Instal Filezilla yang semuanya adalah service dari XAMPP, lihat gambar di bawah ini.
3. Download file SMF Disini.
4. Ekstrak dan copy foldernya dan letakkan pada folder Htdocs yang ada dalam direktori XAMPP yang sebelumnya sudah di instal, rename folder SMF dengan nama ContohForum.
5. Buka Control XAMPP dan start semua service seperti gambar di bawah ini
6. Buka browser anda dan ketikan pada kolom alamat Localhost/ContohForum.
7. Akan muncul tampilan instal SMF. langsung saja clik Continue.
8. Tahap selanjutnya akan muncul data yang harus anda isi. isi sesuai data dibawah ini:
a. Database Type : MySql
b. Server Name : Localhost
c. Username : root
d. Password : biarkan kosong
e. Database name: smf
f. Table Prefix : smf_
Setelah semua diisi klik continue
9. Tampilan selanjutnya centang 3 pilihan paling atas, kemudian klik continue.
10. Tampilan selanjutnya klik aja continue.
11. Tampilan selanjutnya isi data sesuai dengan data anda, kecuali database password yang hanya perlu anda kosongkan.
12. Pada tahap terakhir centang pilihan untuk hapus Index default dan klik pada pembuatan index anda.
13. akhir kata "SELAMAT FORUM ANDA TELAH JADI" Eco Racing 12:53 AM New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Adfly merupakan salah satu web/situs yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan uang dari setiap pengunjung atau orang yg mengklik link anda. berikut cara daftar Adfly :
1. Masuk situs Adfly, alamatnya dapat dibukA dengan KLIK DISINI
2. Klik Join Now seperti pada gambar dibawah ini

Eco Racing
11:42 PM
New Google SEO
Bandung, Indonesia
1. Masuk situs Adfly, alamatnya dapat dibukA dengan KLIK DISINI
2. Klik Join Now seperti pada gambar dibawah ini
3. Isi data - data yang diminta seperti pada gambar di bawah ini

4. Kemudian Submit
5. Setelah itu buka email kamu kemudian klik link verifikasi yang di kasih Adfly
6. Silahkan anda Log in, masukkan email dan password.
7. Mulai lah mempersingkat URL dan dapatkan uang.
Untuk mendapatkan uang anda harus mengubah alamat dengan cara submit alamat anda ke Adfly, kemudian klik Shrink! kemudian anda akan mendapat link / alamat baru, dan alamat itulah yang anda gunakan pada blog atau website anda.
5. Setelah itu buka email kamu kemudian klik link verifikasi yang di kasih Adfly
6. Silahkan anda Log in, masukkan email dan password.
7. Mulai lah mempersingkat URL dan dapatkan uang.
Untuk mendapatkan uang anda harus mengubah alamat dengan cara submit alamat anda ke Adfly, kemudian klik Shrink! kemudian anda akan mendapat link / alamat baru, dan alamat itulah yang anda gunakan pada blog atau website anda.
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Jika tertarik untuk membuat Blog di sana, anda dapat meluncur ke TKP nya di Di sana sudah ada panduannya, tinggal anda ikuti saja sesuai panduannya, jika bahasa bulenya agak kurang, tinggal pakai terjemahan mbah google yang selalu siap setiap saat membantu anda.
Berikut panduannya:
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Demikian cara membuat blog berbasis wordpress org dengan domain dan hosting gratis dari Blogsbuilding,
Semoga bermanfaat. Eco Racing 10:01 PM New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Nah bagi anda yang menemukan cara membuat Blog Berbasis Wordpress Org Dengan Domain Dan Hosting Gratis Dari di blognya blogging dan internet ini, anda adalah termasuk salah satu di antara sekian banyak orang yang beruntung,kenapa saya katakan demikian,karena untuk beli domain dan hosting lumayan juga mengeruk kocek kita.
Tapi di anda tidak perlu keluar uang untuk membeli domain dan hostingnya. Semuanya sudah di siapkan gratis untuk anda di sana. Bahkan Optimasi SEO dan Autoblog pun sudah mereka siapkan untuk anda dengan plugin WP Simpli City Ads Post. tinggal anda download saja di member area blogbuilding.
Selain itu di blogbulding pun telah menyediakan tool-tool buat backlink, salah satunya adalah tool backlink yang dapat terkirim ke 2500 link dengan sekali klik di
Hanya kekurangannya domain yang kita buat nanti bentuknya akan seperti ini Keuntungannya, pada blog kita nanti tidak ada satu pun di sertakan atau di sisipkan iklan dari
Anda bisa lihat contoh atau demo blog saya di :
Jika tertarik untuk membuat Blog di sana, anda dapat meluncur ke TKP nya di Di sana sudah ada panduannya, tinggal anda ikuti saja sesuai panduannya, jika bahasa bulenya agak kurang, tinggal pakai terjemahan mbah google yang selalu siap setiap saat membantu anda.
Berikut panduannya:
1. Daftar dulu di blogsbuilding di sini gan
2. Lalu klik SignUp,isi data-data anda
3. Lalu akan ada email konfirmasi ke alamat email anda,klik link konfirmasi tersebut
4. Login ke cpanelnya, Di sana anda akan di suruh membuat create account dan langsung untuk mebuat blog anda hanya dalam waktu singkat. Siapkan dulu nama domain anda yang akan anda buat.
5. Setelah domain anda jadi selanjutnya anda akan di kirimkan email tentang user name dan pasword untuk login ke admin cpanel wordpress anda.
6. Tunggu sekitar beberapa menit, biasanya 20-30 menit, anda sudah dapat login ke admin cpanel wordpress anda.
7. Selanjutnya anda langsung instal seperti biasa segala theme dan pluggin nya.
8. Selesai
Demikian cara membuat blog berbasis wordpress org dengan domain dan hosting gratis dari Blogsbuilding,
Semoga bermanfaat. Eco Racing 10:01 PM New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
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Cara Membuat Toko Online Auto Blog Amazon Dengan WP Robot Murah Meriah
Posted by BISNIS ONLINE on Thursday, May 24, 2012
Dengan banyaknya penambahan fitur - fitur baru pada blogspot,maka semakin banyak juga kemudahan yang dapat kita manfaatkan untuk mengoptimasi blog.
Kali ini blogging dan internet akan membahas tentang cara Mengatasi Masalah Page Not Found 404 Pada Blogspot,barang kali dapat bermanfaat bagi siapa saja yang mungkin belum mengetahui caranya.
Apakah kita pernah atau sering menemukan suatu blog pada blogspot,yang ketika kita mencari sesuatu di mesin pencari dengan mengetikkan kata kunci,lalu mengklik link yang terdapat atau sesaui kata kunci yang kita cari tadi, ternyata ada masalah yang terjadi yaitu Page Not Found 404 pada link blog yang kita buka. Nah agar blog anda tidak termasuk dari bagian seperti kejadian tersebut, anda hanya sedikit melakukan optimasi pada blogspot.Yaitu dengan menambahkan sedikit kode scrip.
Cara tersebut adalah suatu cara untuk MeRedirect Page Not Found 404 ke halaman utama blog atau ke halaman lainnya.
Ok Mari Kita langsung ke masalahnya, Yaitu cara seting Redirect Page Not Found 404 Pada blogspot :
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2. Pastikan anda menggunakan Fitur Terbaru Blogger 2012
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4. Cari atau klik setelan atau Setting
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6. Lalu klik edit pada Pesan Ubahsuaian untuk Laman Tidak Ditemukan, Nah di situ akan ada kotak atau Box yang masih kosong belum terisi apa-apa.
Pada kotak tersebut masukkan kode script di bawah ini :
<script type="text/JavaScript">location.replace(‘‘);</script>
Note : ganti kode yang berwarna merah dengan alamat blog anda.
7. Klik simpan,dan selesai.
Demikian Cara Mengatasi Masalah Page Not Found 404 Pada Blogspot, semoga bermanfaat.
Eco Racing 5:02 AM New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia
Kali ini blogging dan internet akan membahas tentang cara Mengatasi Masalah Page Not Found 404 Pada Blogspot,barang kali dapat bermanfaat bagi siapa saja yang mungkin belum mengetahui caranya.
Apakah kita pernah atau sering menemukan suatu blog pada blogspot,yang ketika kita mencari sesuatu di mesin pencari dengan mengetikkan kata kunci,lalu mengklik link yang terdapat atau sesaui kata kunci yang kita cari tadi, ternyata ada masalah yang terjadi yaitu Page Not Found 404 pada link blog yang kita buka. Nah agar blog anda tidak termasuk dari bagian seperti kejadian tersebut, anda hanya sedikit melakukan optimasi pada blogspot.Yaitu dengan menambahkan sedikit kode scrip.
Cara tersebut adalah suatu cara untuk MeRedirect Page Not Found 404 ke halaman utama blog atau ke halaman lainnya.
Ok Mari Kita langsung ke masalahnya, Yaitu cara seting Redirect Page Not Found 404 Pada blogspot :
1. Login ke blogspot anda
2. Pastikan anda menggunakan Fitur Terbaru Blogger 2012
3. Masuk ke dashboard blog anda
4. Cari atau klik setelan atau Setting
5. Kemudian cari dan klik Preferensi Penelusuran atau search freferences
6. Lalu klik edit pada Pesan Ubahsuaian untuk Laman Tidak Ditemukan, Nah di situ akan ada kotak atau Box yang masih kosong belum terisi apa-apa.
Pada kotak tersebut masukkan kode script di bawah ini :
<script type="text/JavaScript">location.replace(‘‘);</script>
Note : ganti kode yang berwarna merah dengan alamat blog anda.
7. Klik simpan,dan selesai.
Demikian Cara Mengatasi Masalah Page Not Found 404 Pada Blogspot, semoga bermanfaat.
Eco Racing 5:02 AM New Google SEO Bandung, Indonesia

Cara Mengatasi Masalah Page Not Found 404 Pada Blogspot
Posted by BISNIS ONLINE on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
The field of Network Marketing or Multi-level Marketing (MLM) has also been instrumental over the past 60 years or so to make the recurring income concept very popular and attractive.
Here, you can build a network of distributors, referred to as your down line, and generate income outside of your own immediate effort. Working for Network Marketing company is one of the most feasible places where you can generate recurring wealth, and so we will now take a look at the secrets to being a successful network marketer.
Choosing a Network Marketing Company
According to a respected journalist, Richard Poe, in his book Wave4 – Network Marketing in the 21st Century, Network Marketing is responsible for moving over a whopping **$100 billion** of goods and services yearly on the global front. It is therefore very likely that you have already come in contact with some type of Network Marketing product or service. The concept of moving goods through an army of independent distributors has earned its place in the marketing world despite the negative publicity suffered by the industry. Network Marketing is here to stay; the question that remains is, “How do I choose a company?”
Here are some very important pointers that would guide you in the right direction. Any company that you can find passing these criteria will be a great company to line up with.
1. A company that has been in business for at least 5 years and has great financial backing, excellent management and a ‘distributor first’ philosophy. The company should also have a long-term development goal and not just be out for the quick cash.
This may be a pretty tall order to reach but considering that the great majority of start-up Network Marketing companies fail within their first three years you don’t want your income stream to suddenly dry up! It’s no picnic to discover that after you’ve spent time, effort and money to build a solid organization the company closes down because one of those essential elements was missing.
There is the prevalent myth that the best time to join a company is at start-up—the so called ‘ground floor opportunity’—, but if the truth be told, the ground often caves in leaving many people very unhappy. This does not mean that you should wait for five years to see if a company would do well, because logically, this would mean that no Network Marketing company will ever get started. The point here is that you should assess your risk and know that the chance of losing your money is higher with a new company than with a company having a proven track record.
You know the saying that the proof of the pudding is in the eating; just so the proof of the stability of a Network Marketing company is in the duration of survival. In fact, in over 60 years of Network Marketing history and after tens of thousands of Network Marketing start up companies, only around 42 companies have made it to their 5th birthday.
Any business owner would admit that the first years are the toughest. This is the period when the company is just establishing a footing and income is most likely low. If the company does not have the proper financial backing it is not likely to survive these years. You would not want to join a company that is depending too much on the distributors for survival. A Network Marketing company takes time to build momentum by the very nature of the business - word of mouth advertising, people telling people. Before it reaches top momentum it must have the financial backing to survive the early hurdles.
Customer support for the distributors is also a critical part of the company. If their distributors feel neglected then they will simply not stick around. Especially in today’s market where there are thousands of Network Marketing companies beckoning. The distributors are the consumers and salespeople, and to neglect them is to commit certain suicide.
A sad reality of the Network Marketing industry is that there are many scam artists that come along just for the quick cash just before they close shop and disappear. This would require that you do your due diligence such as checking consumer alert websites as and among others. These scam artists will normally emphasize the compensation plan over the actual product—if there really is a product—and apply high pressure sales tactics to persuade you to join the “ground-floor opportunity”. These criminals prey on human greed and have little sympathy for the naïve.
2. High quality (unique if possible), reasonably priced products or services that should be, ideally, consumable so users will have to buy over and over again.
Traditionally, Network Marketing companies are able to produce higher quality products simply because they don’t have to pay outrageous prices for advertisement. Just think about the millions of dollar paid per year by companies such as Nike to sports stars for a 30 second commercial. This money, if Nike followed the Network Marketing model, could go into developing better quality products and paying their workers better salaries. Because a large part of a normal company’s budget goes towards advertising, Network Marketing companies will deliver a higher quality product, all things being equal, per dollar spent.
Also remember that you want to be paid continually so you need a product or service that is consumable so the customer has to keep refilling his supply. Nutritional and telecommunication companies fit this requirement very well.
Apart from being consumable, another important factor is how ‘needed’ this product or service is. The negative side of pushing nutritional products is that most people are only concerned about their health after it is already failing! (You’ll do well recruiting at the local hospital). If you are marketing a service such as web hosting, medical coverage or legal services you are more likely to have less attrition in your down line.
If the company is selling a product that you can pick up at your local department store, then you’re not likely to do very well. A unique or proprietary product will do better since you’ll have less competition—you learn very early that there is no such thing as zero competition although some companies will want to make this claim.
The “acid test” question to apply to the price of the product or service is, “Would I purchase at this price if there wasn’t a compensation plan attached to it?” If your answer is “No,” then you are looking at a potential pyramid scheme where a product is just attached to the compensation plan to make the opportunity appear legitimate. In these cases you will always find that the compensation plan becomes the selling point and the product or service rarely mentioned.
Here is an informational article on the subject of recognizing and avoiding such schemes: Marketing.htm
3. A Compensation Plan that is fair to both fulltime and part-time distributors alike with leadership bonuses for those who build large and productive teams.
We have already mentioned that a successful Network Marketing company will have a “distributor first” philosophy. In no other place should this be exhibited more than in the compensation plan. It takes only some simple arithmetic to see how many sales or distributors you need in your organization in order to be in profit. Most people don’t take the time to do the math and sometimes are “deceived” by the fancy potential income charts that are put out by the company.
The point here is that you need to read between the lines and the fine print to be sure what you are paid for your effort. Most people will skim this section because it may read like a tax code and who likes to do their taxes? That’s why we hire accountants.
Compensation plans fall into basically four types:
(a) The Break Away Plan. This is the oldest and most traditional plan and allows distributors to build and be paid on an unlimited number of frontline associates. When the frontline associates reach a certain predetermined volume they can “break away” from their up line and form their own organization. In this break away plan the leaders are paid on all their frontline and also certain levels down in their break away groups. In this model if you don’t work you don’t eat. You have to recruit in order to be compensated.
(b) The Unilevel Plan. Here you are only paid on a certain number of levels determined by the company. In this case there are no ‘break away’ groups. The larger your frontline the larger will be your total group size. The lower levels would therefore be much larger than the upper ones. Again if you don’t recruit you don’t get a check.
(c) The Matrix Plan. In this plan you are limited to the number of recruits you could have on your frontline. So in a 3 X 5 matrix you’ll have 3 on your front line then 9 on the second level, then 27 on the next and so on. Compared to the two other plans we’ve looked at the matrix plan limits your success to a certain level. What’s so appealing about this plan though is that recruits are told they only need to get 3 and are even promised “spill-over” from a “heavy hitter” in their up line. The results are that everyone joins looking for spillover and never makes any personal effort. Results? Certain failure. A matrix, though limited, can work but the distributors must depend on their personal efforts and allow the spillover (if any) to be just an added bonus.
(d) The Binary Plan. This plan is a special case of the matrix where you can only have two on your frontline, hence ‘binary’. The only caveat here is that many such plans require you to balance both sides of your organization before you can get paid. This is really a trick so that the company can keep your money as long as possible and sometimes forever. Some dishonest companies will start off by opening only one side of the binary—called a ‘power leg’—as there is no possibility of you getting paid until the other side is opened. By the time the other side is opened many people may have left the company leaving their commission checks behind as well. You are forever left, not only with recruiting, but trying to balance the sides of your team. Beware of such plans!
There are variations of these plans that have come along such as the straight-line plan where you are paid on every one that comes in after you.
Companies that follow these plans don’t seem to survive very long since most people just join and stand by waiting on their checks. There is no real incentive to work the plan.
Warning: You should always be particularly suspicious of compensation plans that pay out over 60%. This normally means that the product is overpriced, qualification quotas or volumes are almost unreachable or the breakaway structure can rob you of your investment and hard work. If the company uses the breakaway plan you may find your down line disappearing just as you are about to hit the big numbers. If a company intends to be deceptive it will be in the compensation plan; so study it well!
4. Training and solid up line support for your team.
Many companies provide training and promotional materials for their distributors but it is often difficult to strike a balance between product promotion and distributor training. And distributor training normally takes a backseat. You should be wary of companies that charge exorbitant prices for their promotional materials. You are investing your advertising dollars so the company should not seek to make a profit from you here—although many do.
You should seek to align yourself with an experienced leader and learn as much as possible from his or her recruiting methods. Be sure to investigate your up line because that can be the one factor that determines success or failure for you. Study the company literature to see who the ‘big hitters’ are and join their group. It is said that misery loves company; so does success.
5. A wide and even global market if possible.
You may find a company with all the great characteristics that we have looked at so far and then discover that it is not available in your area—ouch! With the advent of the Internet you find that many more companies are going global. This means that your market reach will be wider and chances of building a solid team greatly improved.
Apart from the sheer geography of the company’s market reach, is the potential customer base as well. For example, many American nutritional companies are aiming for the ‘baby boomers’ who are now in their midlife years and make up a good percentage of the buying public—in means and numbers. This demographic of customers want to look younger and are very health conscious. Any product that caters to their needs will most likely have a ready market.
Another big “bubble” when looking at population demographics is the children of the baby boomers. Look at what they are spending money on!
Choosing a company that has a product or service for which there is no ready market will make it very difficult on the distributor. And in this industry one needs a lot of encouragement.
Eco Racing
6:36 AM
New Google SEO
Bandung, Indonesia
Here, you can build a network of distributors, referred to as your down line, and generate income outside of your own immediate effort. Working for Network Marketing company is one of the most feasible places where you can generate recurring wealth, and so we will now take a look at the secrets to being a successful network marketer.
Choosing a Network Marketing Company
According to a respected journalist, Richard Poe, in his book Wave4 – Network Marketing in the 21st Century, Network Marketing is responsible for moving over a whopping **$100 billion** of goods and services yearly on the global front. It is therefore very likely that you have already come in contact with some type of Network Marketing product or service. The concept of moving goods through an army of independent distributors has earned its place in the marketing world despite the negative publicity suffered by the industry. Network Marketing is here to stay; the question that remains is, “How do I choose a company?”
Here are some very important pointers that would guide you in the right direction. Any company that you can find passing these criteria will be a great company to line up with.
1. A company that has been in business for at least 5 years and has great financial backing, excellent management and a ‘distributor first’ philosophy. The company should also have a long-term development goal and not just be out for the quick cash.
This may be a pretty tall order to reach but considering that the great majority of start-up Network Marketing companies fail within their first three years you don’t want your income stream to suddenly dry up! It’s no picnic to discover that after you’ve spent time, effort and money to build a solid organization the company closes down because one of those essential elements was missing.
There is the prevalent myth that the best time to join a company is at start-up—the so called ‘ground floor opportunity’—, but if the truth be told, the ground often caves in leaving many people very unhappy. This does not mean that you should wait for five years to see if a company would do well, because logically, this would mean that no Network Marketing company will ever get started. The point here is that you should assess your risk and know that the chance of losing your money is higher with a new company than with a company having a proven track record.
You know the saying that the proof of the pudding is in the eating; just so the proof of the stability of a Network Marketing company is in the duration of survival. In fact, in over 60 years of Network Marketing history and after tens of thousands of Network Marketing start up companies, only around 42 companies have made it to their 5th birthday.
Any business owner would admit that the first years are the toughest. This is the period when the company is just establishing a footing and income is most likely low. If the company does not have the proper financial backing it is not likely to survive these years. You would not want to join a company that is depending too much on the distributors for survival. A Network Marketing company takes time to build momentum by the very nature of the business - word of mouth advertising, people telling people. Before it reaches top momentum it must have the financial backing to survive the early hurdles.
Customer support for the distributors is also a critical part of the company. If their distributors feel neglected then they will simply not stick around. Especially in today’s market where there are thousands of Network Marketing companies beckoning. The distributors are the consumers and salespeople, and to neglect them is to commit certain suicide.
A sad reality of the Network Marketing industry is that there are many scam artists that come along just for the quick cash just before they close shop and disappear. This would require that you do your due diligence such as checking consumer alert websites as and among others. These scam artists will normally emphasize the compensation plan over the actual product—if there really is a product—and apply high pressure sales tactics to persuade you to join the “ground-floor opportunity”. These criminals prey on human greed and have little sympathy for the naïve.
2. High quality (unique if possible), reasonably priced products or services that should be, ideally, consumable so users will have to buy over and over again.
Traditionally, Network Marketing companies are able to produce higher quality products simply because they don’t have to pay outrageous prices for advertisement. Just think about the millions of dollar paid per year by companies such as Nike to sports stars for a 30 second commercial. This money, if Nike followed the Network Marketing model, could go into developing better quality products and paying their workers better salaries. Because a large part of a normal company’s budget goes towards advertising, Network Marketing companies will deliver a higher quality product, all things being equal, per dollar spent.
Also remember that you want to be paid continually so you need a product or service that is consumable so the customer has to keep refilling his supply. Nutritional and telecommunication companies fit this requirement very well.
Apart from being consumable, another important factor is how ‘needed’ this product or service is. The negative side of pushing nutritional products is that most people are only concerned about their health after it is already failing! (You’ll do well recruiting at the local hospital). If you are marketing a service such as web hosting, medical coverage or legal services you are more likely to have less attrition in your down line.
If the company is selling a product that you can pick up at your local department store, then you’re not likely to do very well. A unique or proprietary product will do better since you’ll have less competition—you learn very early that there is no such thing as zero competition although some companies will want to make this claim.
The “acid test” question to apply to the price of the product or service is, “Would I purchase at this price if there wasn’t a compensation plan attached to it?” If your answer is “No,” then you are looking at a potential pyramid scheme where a product is just attached to the compensation plan to make the opportunity appear legitimate. In these cases you will always find that the compensation plan becomes the selling point and the product or service rarely mentioned.
Here is an informational article on the subject of recognizing and avoiding such schemes: Marketing.htm
3. A Compensation Plan that is fair to both fulltime and part-time distributors alike with leadership bonuses for those who build large and productive teams.
We have already mentioned that a successful Network Marketing company will have a “distributor first” philosophy. In no other place should this be exhibited more than in the compensation plan. It takes only some simple arithmetic to see how many sales or distributors you need in your organization in order to be in profit. Most people don’t take the time to do the math and sometimes are “deceived” by the fancy potential income charts that are put out by the company.
The point here is that you need to read between the lines and the fine print to be sure what you are paid for your effort. Most people will skim this section because it may read like a tax code and who likes to do their taxes? That’s why we hire accountants.
Compensation plans fall into basically four types:
(a) The Break Away Plan. This is the oldest and most traditional plan and allows distributors to build and be paid on an unlimited number of frontline associates. When the frontline associates reach a certain predetermined volume they can “break away” from their up line and form their own organization. In this break away plan the leaders are paid on all their frontline and also certain levels down in their break away groups. In this model if you don’t work you don’t eat. You have to recruit in order to be compensated.
(b) The Unilevel Plan. Here you are only paid on a certain number of levels determined by the company. In this case there are no ‘break away’ groups. The larger your frontline the larger will be your total group size. The lower levels would therefore be much larger than the upper ones. Again if you don’t recruit you don’t get a check.
(c) The Matrix Plan. In this plan you are limited to the number of recruits you could have on your frontline. So in a 3 X 5 matrix you’ll have 3 on your front line then 9 on the second level, then 27 on the next and so on. Compared to the two other plans we’ve looked at the matrix plan limits your success to a certain level. What’s so appealing about this plan though is that recruits are told they only need to get 3 and are even promised “spill-over” from a “heavy hitter” in their up line. The results are that everyone joins looking for spillover and never makes any personal effort. Results? Certain failure. A matrix, though limited, can work but the distributors must depend on their personal efforts and allow the spillover (if any) to be just an added bonus.
(d) The Binary Plan. This plan is a special case of the matrix where you can only have two on your frontline, hence ‘binary’. The only caveat here is that many such plans require you to balance both sides of your organization before you can get paid. This is really a trick so that the company can keep your money as long as possible and sometimes forever. Some dishonest companies will start off by opening only one side of the binary—called a ‘power leg’—as there is no possibility of you getting paid until the other side is opened. By the time the other side is opened many people may have left the company leaving their commission checks behind as well. You are forever left, not only with recruiting, but trying to balance the sides of your team. Beware of such plans!
There are variations of these plans that have come along such as the straight-line plan where you are paid on every one that comes in after you.
Companies that follow these plans don’t seem to survive very long since most people just join and stand by waiting on their checks. There is no real incentive to work the plan.
Warning: You should always be particularly suspicious of compensation plans that pay out over 60%. This normally means that the product is overpriced, qualification quotas or volumes are almost unreachable or the breakaway structure can rob you of your investment and hard work. If the company uses the breakaway plan you may find your down line disappearing just as you are about to hit the big numbers. If a company intends to be deceptive it will be in the compensation plan; so study it well!
4. Training and solid up line support for your team.
Many companies provide training and promotional materials for their distributors but it is often difficult to strike a balance between product promotion and distributor training. And distributor training normally takes a backseat. You should be wary of companies that charge exorbitant prices for their promotional materials. You are investing your advertising dollars so the company should not seek to make a profit from you here—although many do.
You should seek to align yourself with an experienced leader and learn as much as possible from his or her recruiting methods. Be sure to investigate your up line because that can be the one factor that determines success or failure for you. Study the company literature to see who the ‘big hitters’ are and join their group. It is said that misery loves company; so does success.
5. A wide and even global market if possible.
You may find a company with all the great characteristics that we have looked at so far and then discover that it is not available in your area—ouch! With the advent of the Internet you find that many more companies are going global. This means that your market reach will be wider and chances of building a solid team greatly improved.
Apart from the sheer geography of the company’s market reach, is the potential customer base as well. For example, many American nutritional companies are aiming for the ‘baby boomers’ who are now in their midlife years and make up a good percentage of the buying public—in means and numbers. This demographic of customers want to look younger and are very health conscious. Any product that caters to their needs will most likely have a ready market.
Another big “bubble” when looking at population demographics is the children of the baby boomers. Look at what they are spending money on!
Choosing a company that has a product or service for which there is no ready market will make it very difficult on the distributor. And in this industry one needs a lot of encouragement.
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